Keeping It 101: A Killjoy's Introduction to Religion Podcast

In which we are BACK

Profs. Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst and Megan Goodwin Season 6 Episode 601

Did you miss us? We missed you! Tell us everything you did on your summer vacation, right after we tell you what we're up to this, our SIXTH season(??!?!).

As always, be sure to visit for full show notes, homework, transcripts, & more! 

Keeping It 101: A Killjoy's Introduction to Religion is proud to be part of the Amplify Podcast Network.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

This is keeping it 101 A killjoys introduction to religion podcast. As of 2023, we're proud to be part of the amplify Podcast Network. In 2022 2023, our work is made possible through a UVM reach grant. We're grateful to live teach and record on the current ancestral and unseeded lands of the Abenaki Wabanaki and Aucocisco peoples. As always, you can find material ways to support indigenous communities on our website.

Megan Goodwin:

What's up nerds? Hi, hello, I'm Megan Goodwin, scholar of American religions race, gender and politics. I am very excited to be back for season six. what did you just say we had like 75 episodes? 76 episodes because it did a music man thing for me. I feel seen I feel loved. I feel slightly attacked. I'm so happy to be back.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Me too. It was lovely. Love to have a hiatus while I finished my Fulbright and re entered the world with no grace whatsoever.

Megan Goodwin:

No grace to the reentry sent us back. The accent is back and I'm so happy.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

The accent is back. I don't know what honestly, I don't understand what happened to me in Birmingham. So if all my Brum friends could let me know, at some point, living in Birmingham, my New Jersey just fully came back in this way that was upsetting.

Megan Goodwin:

Not to me,

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:


Megan Goodwin:

not to me. I don't see no problems. So happy. Right, I always wanted to be friends with a newsie. So now that's happened for me. And I'm really excited about it. I am excited that you have re re entered our world ie the formerly developed country which is now the United States. Sorry about all of the mass shootings that have happened since you got back.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Honestly, like the ways in which I've not missed active shooters, Jesus. Pretty incredible. It's pretty incredible what like not having public access to guns might do for your sense of safety. And like, honestly, again, apologies to all of my English, Scottish and Irish buddies and Welsh, but y'all were fewer in my time Brummie, but the way that y'all would be like it's dangerous. There has been a knifing. And My whole soul was like, Oh, you sweet summer children. There's a gas station on the corner of my street. It's walking distance. And they sell like AR fifteens. Like, why so many not that afraid of knives. Just broadly. You have to really, you want to kill me to kill me with a knife. But like, at the gas station? I could I could just buy all the weapons. And so it's good to be back. And also, I hadn't realized how exhausting that constant fear had been.

Megan Goodwin:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, several months without it did some work. Yeah, I don't want to go down a whole rabbit hole. But given that we are both UNC alum starting the school year with an active shooter situation on the campus that brought us together, made us family and gave us our careers. That was a hell of a thing. So

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

really rough. So we're thinking of everybody who has to manage this in the United States, and may we never be forgiven. Real light start two seasons.

Megan Goodwin:

Just just staying on brand. Super excited, Happy to be together. Look at all of this mess. Anyway, we wrote a book we wrote a whole book did, we finished an entire book manuscript, and I'm super proud of us. And we got to do that together in Edinburgh, and then like, go for silly walk afterwards. So that was amazing. And I'm so excited for everybody to read it and coming soon. I think it's supposed to be fall 2024 through beacon, so stay tuned. Nerds.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Yay. Yeah, definitely. It was super hilarious to see you in Scotland. And also like taking a long walk after a deep whiskey tour. It was great. I think. I think the ways in which I felt like I needed to rap the beasties the entire way home was a special special time for everybody.

Megan Goodwin:

I mean, not just rap, but also dance. There was a dance.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Of course there was a dance, how you're going to drop the beat. I don't know but without a move of your hip man.

Megan Goodwin:

If we need content, please trust and believe that that tiny dance is still on my phone. So just for the public. That's fair. It's

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

not for public. That is for you and you alone and maybe You Ad-rock. That's fair. All right, let's jump in. Right. All right, fine.

Megan Goodwin:

So okay, let's let's do a couple we're back announcements. First of all, you might have noticed our new intro at the top. We are so thrilled we are beyond thrilled to announce that keeping a one on one is an inaugural member of the amplify podcast network as a sustain stream podcast, amplify as a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We're International. You're welcome. So the SSHRC is funding this network that aims to encourage collaboration and experimentation via the medium of scholarly podcasting, focusing on boundary pushing scholarship that centers interdisciplinarity collaboration, feminist and anti racist work. It is directed by just pod, heroin superstar inspiration. Hannah McGregor. It's fine. We're super chill about all of this Siobhan McMenemy and Stacy Copeland.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Yeah, and if you can't tell we've we've ganked that language right from their website, so you should go check them out. We'll link them in the show notes. But honestly, we're we're so stoked to be part of this emerging team of nerdy academic podcasts that are produced by such smart colleagues in really different fields than us. So it's really been exciting to get that launched. And as the season continues, nerds, we will have more to share about that.

Megan Goodwin:

Yes, yes. And then the other thing we think is worth sharing at the top is how the season is proceeding.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

All right. Tell us tell us more.

Megan Goodwin:

shall tell you more. Last season we had a lot of success with our incorrect and so glad you asked series is we're definitely gonna continue those. But guess what are? What? We have so many episodes already? We have so many episodes.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

I know. Like we said we have 76 episodes in the old queue. 76 episodes in the Spotify queue

Megan Goodwin:

76 episodes in the can, yes. You started.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Yeah. Well, and you could carry the tune and I can't. So that is a lot of episodes. For like a side project. We started in 2020.

Megan Goodwin:

January 2020. Yeah. Were we ever so young anyway, so here's what we're thinking, friends, nerds, we are going to edit and re release some of our most listened to episodes, but also somebody episodes that we think honestly, like, don't get enough love.

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

Oh, I like this plan a lot, obviously. Do you Since it's our plan?

Megan Goodwin:

We'll also do you do you like finding the episodes that have maybe been left to the side and bringing them to the center?

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

That Do you mean that I'm not that interested in peripheries and also I like stats and numbers and I want to tell students, by which I mean our listeners that they're wrong for not loving certain episodes. I I do indeed like that role of ehhh. You should have done this.

Megan Goodwin:

I will tell you again about the rifles because you have not yet grasped why they are so important. Tell me again about the Gazetteers. Let me

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

listen. Some of us have to know more than 20 years of history.

Megan Goodwin:

Gross. That's disgusting to say. It's like alsmot 50 now frankly 1980 was like almost Well, anyway, we do want everybody to appreciate it. We are excited to share some of this material that we like worked really hard on but maybe you didn't get to listen to you because you found us later. So nerds hold on your butts, we've got rereleases new episodes new partnerships and new scholarship headed your way for this. The sixth season of keeping it 101

Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst:

until it totally burns down and we have to evacuate you can find us both on Twitter. Megan's at mpg PhD and I'm at pr o f IR M F and the show remains at keeping it underscore 101 For now, we are also on Megan Yes, blue sky we're on blue sky now also on blue sky and you can find us there. Same handles you can find us at keeping it one Oh also on Instagram and Tiktok and you could subscribe to our little newsletter that is through our website. Drop us a rating or review as always in your podcast app of choice and with that for the sixth seasons worth PEACE OUT nerds

Megan Goodwin:

and do your homework sounds syllabus.

Music Man:

Think men think

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